Monday, July 30, 2007

Open-Face PBJs!

Join me in celebrating the existence of Open-Face PBJs. If you've never tried one, you're missing out. Everyone agrees that the best part of a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich is the peanut butter and jelly. When you reduce the bread by half and pile the PBJ on top, you taste more of what you love.

Definitely one of Life's Bests!


The Ashcroft's said...

I was making Macy one of her staples, a PB & H(honey)and your blog popped into my head and I just wondered "what kind of PB does Shane like." So.....

Shane Larsen said...
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Shane Larsen said...

I prefer Skippy Natural. If that's not an option, I usually go for chunky for extra flavor and texture.