Saturday, October 27, 2007


I'm the penultimate child in my family. I personally think it's the best place to be. I get spoiled almost equally as the youngest child does. But I don't get all the negative attention for being spoiled from the older sibs--perfect situation.

But, even more rewarding, is the opportunity to be an uncle of many nieces and nephews. I have 18. They are the greatest collection of 18 kids from one family in the world.

Meet two of them, Titan and Parker. Within five minutes after this video was shot, Parker had dutifully dumped a whole bean-and-cheese burrito--enchilada style--onto Grandma's lap and Titan had properly pronounced--to half the restaurant--his frustrations of having to visit the bathroom for a second time by yelling, "AWWW, NOW I HAVE TO GO POO!"

Please keep in mind, you're only meeting two of the equally-great 18. Like I said, I have the best nieces and nephews ever.


The Wells Family said...

Hi! surfing again. Ran into Jared and Jessie at a law school thing I thought I would attempt to say 'hi" again! Now...three comments..
(1)Erin rocks! I sure miss her...and all my Aggie friends! Thanks for the video of her to put a smile on my face.
(2)I beg to differ on the gummy bears and orange juice. In our house...Haribo Gummy Bears are the ultimate and Simply Orange OJ...can't be beat! My 19 mo. old won't even drink OJ from concentrate now...has to have the expensive real stuff!
(3) Love reading funny things on here...I will check in when I get a few secs. :) I am glad that you are having make me miss USU!

-deb thompson-wells

Shane Larsen said...

Hi Deb! Good to hear from you.

You really hit a soft spot with me on the OJ. My mom buys Simply Orange too, so I've tried it. I've done taste tests and every time without fail, Tropicana Grovestand wins in the taste-more-fresh-squeezed comparison. It's the real deal.

I'll be sure to tell Erin you liked the video. She loves it too (ha!).